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- Kevin Galdamez

Career Progression

I am currently a technical consultant based in the Atlanta metropolitan area. I love problem solving, solution building, and software development. You can follow my carreer on my LinkedIn.

Passion Projects

I love coding in general, but particularly I love to bring my ideas to life and share them. You can find a few of my favorite projects in the showcase section. You can find those and more on my GitHub.

Competitive Coding

In addition to my projects, I also enjoy working with algorithms and data structures in a competitive scene. You can hear about some of my experiences with competitive coding in the blog section. You can also check out my LeetCode profile.

Learning Software Development

I have achieved a B.S. in Computer Science and an A.S. in STEM Sciences. I have alse collected a few ceritificates in relation to my career. If you're interested I have talked more about my learning experience in the blog section.
